Week of March 24, 2019

Good Morning Rehoboth,                 This week’s scripture brings me back to Ash Wednesday, and specifically to the words that I said to everyone as I drew crosses on their foreheads. If you forgot, I said “repent and believe the gospel.” We throw this word, repent or repentance, around a lot. We tell people to repent. […]

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Week of March 17, 2019

Dear Rehoboth, For our first edition of Monday morning ramblings, we have a particularly puzzling passage. I am being drawn towards the Luke passage for this week (13:31-35). There are a few things that immediately stick out to me. The first is that Jerusalem is the center of this text. In fact, Jerusalem is often […]

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Week of March 3, 2019

Good morning Rehoboth, I am going to try something new that I am calling “Monday Morning Ramblings.” What I am going to do is give some brief thoughts on this week’s scripture readings that I will be preaching on the following Sunday. The reason I am doing this is two-fold. The first is selfish; I […]

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