2019 vbs henderson nc

2019 Vacation Bible School

Cave Quest: Following Jesus, the Light of the World

June 19-22, 2019 @ Plank Chapel UMC

This year’s vacation bible school will be held at Plank Chapel UMC June 19-21 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm and on June 22 from 9:00am to 1:00pm. Our theme will be Cave Quest: Following Jesus, the Light of the World. VBS is open to all children ages 3 to 12, please spread the word! If you are interested in going, check out and respond to the Facebook Event: 2019 Vacation Bible School.

If you would like to sign up, please fill out a registration form and return it to Pastor Lee or Kyle or email to rehobothchurchnc@gmail.com. You can download a registration form below or pick one up in the Rehoboth UMC vestibule.

Don’t forget to like the Rehoboth UMC Facebook for updates on all church events and VBS information!