Week of May 19, 2019

Dear Rehoboth,

I am writing this morning from the beautiful shores of Lake Josephine in Roseville, MN. The sun is shining, and the breeze makes it a perfect morning to sit outside and ponder love. There are some confusing parts of this brief passage. We could spend our time breaking down the tongue twister about glorification that is verse 32. But, really what most of us will focus in on is the “love commandment.” Jesus tells us to love as he has loved us, and it is by our love that others will know that we are his. The first thing that strikes me in this commandment is that Jesus calls this a “new” commandment. Why is it new? Was it not a given that before this, people were supposed to love? No, of course not. It’s an old testament commandment that we are supposed to love one another. But, what makes this commandment “new” is that we are supposed to love as Jesus loves. How does Jesus love us? How has Jesus loved in our lives and how has Jesus already shown love in the gospel of John? And maybe, more importantly, how is Jesus about to show his love in the cross? This passage is during Jesus farewell discourse. Jesus is headed to the cross. I can imagine the disciples. They are super confused as to why people would need to recognize them as Jesus disciples. I imagine someone standing up, probably Thomas, saying “Jesus, in all honesty, most people know we are your disciples because we travel with you.” I think we often think this way. Not that we can just walk around with Jesus, but we wear crosses or shirts that have bible verses on them. Or we post things on social media about Jesus. Or we put a bumper sticker on our car. All of these are ways to show people that we are disciples. And don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with any of those things. Never stop posting about Jesus. Never stop wearing your cross, or your bible quote t-shirt. I am not saying that. But what I am saying is I can wear a Duke basketball jersey, but that doesn’t mean I am on the team. You can wear a cross but not be a disciple. 

Because to be known as a disciple is to love. To be on the basketball team means I have to grow about 8 inches, start practicing every day with the team and start playing in the games. I hope I’m being clear. Love is the only thing that distinguishes us as Christians. That’s it. Not going to church. Not reading our bibles. Not even praying. All those things are important and necessary but not the key distinguisher of a follower of Jesus. Do we put love at the center of our faith? I think that’s what Jesus is saying. The heart of our religion is love. How has Jesus loved you? I think that’s the easy question. I think we can come up with a million ideas of when Jesus has loved us. But the harder question is why is it so hard for us to love like that? The simple answer is we are humans, and we can’t be like Jesus. True, but does that mean we shouldn’t even try. This week I want to ponder the love of Jesus. A simple topic but I would argue it is the foundation of our faith. And for something that is the foundation of our faith I think we don’t ponder it enough. Let me know what you think it means to love as Jesus has loved you? Why do you think we fail so miserably at this commandment? Or maybe what makes Jesus love different. These are the questions I am pondering this week, let me know what you are thinking. 

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Lee