Week of April 21, 2019

Dear Rehoboth, This is a very exciting week for us in the church as we make our last preparations for Easter Sunday. This week I have been given lots of options on which to ramble, but despite the options, I find myself to be in a rather tricky spot. You see you all know these […]

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Week of April 14, 2019

Good Morning Rehoboth, This week we have a decision to make. And it’s a little more complicated than choosing between the gospel or the epistle. The question for us this week is do we want to preach palms or passion. We often call this last Sunday in Lent Palm Sunday in celebration of the day […]

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Week of April 7, 2019

Dear Rehoboth, I’m sorry this is getting to you a little late, but as many of you know I was traveling yesterday and was unable to ramble on Monday morning, so instead I am rambling on Tuesday. But, all the same here are a few of my thoughts on this week’s gospel message. I don’t […]

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Holy Week 2019

Palm Sunday April 14, 11am | Maundy Thursday/Good Friday April 18, 7pm | Easter Egg Hunt & Part April 20, 10am | Easter Services April 21, 6:30am and 11am

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Week of March 31, 2019

Good morning Rehoboth,                 This week I am going to be a little like you all. I will be at some church in Minnesota, sitting in the pews wondering what direction the pastor will take. This Sunday at Rehoboth we have the honor of having Dennis Jones from Banks UMC preaching and leading worship. But, […]

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Week of March 24, 2019

Good Morning Rehoboth,                 This week’s scripture brings me back to Ash Wednesday, and specifically to the words that I said to everyone as I drew crosses on their foreheads. If you forgot, I said “repent and believe the gospel.” We throw this word, repent or repentance, around a lot. We tell people to repent. […]

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Week of March 17, 2019

Dear Rehoboth, For our first edition of Monday morning ramblings, we have a particularly puzzling passage. I am being drawn towards the Luke passage for this week (13:31-35). There are a few things that immediately stick out to me. The first is that Jerusalem is the center of this text. In fact, Jerusalem is often […]

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