Week of September 1, 2019

Dear Rehoboth,                 We are going to jump right back into Luke, and this week we are going to learn about table manners. Or maybe party going tips would be a better way of putting it. Jesus is attending dinner at the house of a pharisee. I point this out because the scripture says “one […]

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Week of August 25, 2019

Dear Rehoboth,                 A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend a conference entitled “So that All May be Healed.” It was three days of lectures and sermons and anointing all on the topic of what does biblical healing look like and what does healing look like in the church. So for […]

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August 18, 2019

Dear Rehoboth, We are going to stick with Isaiah again this week because the gospel text is all about fire and divisions and interpreting the end times, and I want to preach on the love song of Isaiah 5. The recognition that this is a love song should give us a lot of playful ways […]

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August 11, 2019

Dear Rehoboth,                 We are taking a quick break from the gospel of Luke to see what the prophet Isaiah has to teach us. There is so much in this passage. But I think the place that we need to rest in is verse 15, “When you stretch out your hands, I will hide my […]

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Week of August 4, 2019

Dear Rehoboth,                 Usually, I like to make things more complicated then they appear. My usual goal is to try and draw something out that may not be on the surface so that we can gain a deeper understanding of the passage. This week I’m not sure I have a deeper meaning. Since it is […]

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Week of July 28, 2019

Dear Rehoboth, This week’s scripture is about prayer. Don’t worry I’m not going to spend this time this morning trying to convince you to pray more. I think we need to, but that’s like saying we need to eat better. We all know it, we don’t need someone to tell us. But, rather, I want […]

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Week of July 21, 2019

Dear Rehoboth, This morning I have spent some time in another familiar passage, the story of Mary and Martha. Whenever this passage is brought up, people love to put themselves into one camp or the other. There are the busybodies like Martha and the contemplative ones like Mary. I’m not sure there is anything profound […]

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Week of June 30, 2019

Dear Rehoboth, This Sunday I want us to turn briefly towards the letter to the Galatians. Since we will be dropping into the second to last chapter of this letter, we will have to reacquaint ourselves with the purpose of the letter. Remember, when Paul writes a letter, he is writing to a real church […]

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Week of July 23, 2019

Dear Rehoboth, Do you have any sympathy for the pigs? If you are reading through this passage, I think many of us focus a lot on the pigs as they fly over the ridge. I question why Jesus killed all the pigs. But I am also the same person who when watching a big battle […]

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Week of May 16, 2019

Dear Rehoboth, This week we have another Sunday that has a theme. Last week we were celebrating Pentecost. So the goal was to fit the word Pentecost and holy spirit into the sermon as many times as I could so you didn’t forget that it was indeed Pentecost. This week is called “Trinity Sunday.” So, […]

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