Week of June 9, 2019

Dear Rehoboth, This week we are celebrating Pentecost. Pentecost is one of the three major Christian holidays that we as the church observe. Pentecost is like the middle child of holidays. You know Christmas is the younger child. It gets everything that it wants. It gets all the presents, the decorations, the tv specials, and […]

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Week of June 2, 2019

Dear Rehoboth, Last week we took a little detour out of the farewell discourse in John to trouble the waters, but this week, we will get back on track and finish off the prayer of Jesus in chapter 17. I think one of the more striking parts of this passage is to remember the context. […]

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Week of May 26, 2019

Dear Rehoboth, This week I think I am going to focus on John 5 and move away from the farewell discourse of John 14. Mainly because I really like the story of the pool of Bethesda. When I traveled to Israel last summer, one thing we did was read the passage of scripture that was […]

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Week of May 19, 2019

Dear Rehoboth, I am writing this morning from the beautiful shores of Lake Josephine in Roseville, MN. The sun is shining, and the breeze makes it a perfect morning to sit outside and ponder love. There are some confusing parts of this brief passage. We could spend our time breaking down the tongue twister about […]

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Week of May 12, 2019

Good morning Rehoboth, This week we are continuing on our lectionary planned sermon series through the gospel of John. When I first read this section of John 10, my mind immediately went back to Psalm 23. Both talk about shepherds and hearing his voice, but if I am honest, I don’t think I want to […]

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Week of May 5, 2019

Good Morning Rehoboth, I apologize again that this rambling is getting to you so late, but I was finishing up my semester Monday morning taking a test, and Tuesday Rachel and I were making our way to the beach for a couple of days of peace and quiet. I am currently sitting on the porch […]

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Week of April 28, 2019

Good morning Rehoboth, Our scripture reading for this week picks up right after our Easter story. If you remember Peter and the Beloved disciple left the tomb before seeing getting to see the risen Lord. Today we hear about the other disciples first encounter with Jesus. If you remember from Easter, Mary has announced that […]

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Week of April 21, 2019

Dear Rehoboth, This is a very exciting week for us in the church as we make our last preparations for Easter Sunday. This week I have been given lots of options on which to ramble, but despite the options, I find myself to be in a rather tricky spot. You see you all know these […]

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Week of April 14, 2019

Good Morning Rehoboth, This week we have a decision to make. And it’s a little more complicated than choosing between the gospel or the epistle. The question for us this week is do we want to preach palms or passion. We often call this last Sunday in Lent Palm Sunday in celebration of the day […]

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Week of April 7, 2019

Dear Rehoboth, I’m sorry this is getting to you a little late, but as many of you know I was traveling yesterday and was unable to ramble on Monday morning, so instead I am rambling on Tuesday. But, all the same here are a few of my thoughts on this week’s gospel message. I don’t […]

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